Liturgical Ministries

Get Involved in a Ministry

Recruitment for new liturgical ministers happens when families complete the parish stewardship forms, usually completed during a weekend mass in September or October.

Altar Servers

Open to all our youth who have made their First Holy Communion and are at least in the 3rd grade. Recruitment for new servers happens when families complete the parish stewardship forms, usually completed during a weekend mass in September or October. Then there will be a training session for new servers that will be announced in the parish bulletin.

Contact the Parish Office at (270) 554-3810 for more information.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

These parishioners provide assistance distributing Holy Communion at Masses on a rotating basis, based on availability and Mass preference. A training program conducted by the parish must be successfully completed.

If you are interested in training, call the Parish Office at (270) 554-3810.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for the Homebound

This ministry is on a rotating basis every Sunday taking Holy Communion to the homebound.

If you are interested in training, call the Parish Office at (270) 554-3810.

Gift Bearers

Recruitment for new gift bearers happens when families complete the parish stewardship forms, usually completed during a weekend mass in September or October.


A group of parishioners who warmly welcome all weekend Mass attendees at the entrances of our church. Recruitment for new greeters happens when families complete the parish stewardship forms, usually completed during a weekend mass in September or October.


Lectors are men and women of our parish who communicate God's word by proclaiming the readings with clarity and enthusiasm. Assignments are made on a rotating basis based on individual availability.

Contact Fr. Bruce Fogle for training if you are interested in this ministry.


Parishioners who assist with taking up the collection at weekend Masses and who are available for special seating needs and emergencies.

Contact Fr. Bruce Fogle for training if you are interested in this ministry.